The impact to her life was hard to accept. She would wake up in pain, couldn’t drive herself anywhere due to the ever present risk of a stabbing migraine attack, and referred to herself as basically useless in the evenings.
One day she did an internet search on ‘headache relief Pennsylvania’ like so many others she had done before, but this time she found The Migraine Headache Relief Center of PA. The combination of lifestyle modifications and MHRPA therapies produced a significant reduction in migraine pain and episodic frequency. If only we had been able to find her sooner, then perhaps the “year from hell” would never have come to pass.
Diagnosis / Complaint:
Chronic Migraine Headaches with Associated Facial Pain.
Treatment Results:
Targeted treatments for migraines and face pain, along with some dietary modifications, and her progress was amazing. Her condition was so severe that she still has some pain to this day, but intensity and frequency are way, way down. Now she’s getting her life back in order.